Monday, September 6, 2010

Chennai beaches

Chennai has several beaches. Marina beach is located near city center and the original British fort and dockyards. It is one of the longest beaches in the world and is kept relatively clean. We live apx. 3 km (1.5 miles) from Elliot beach which is a very popular hang out. Unlike American beaches, you don't see many people out sunbathing during the day. In the heat of the day it is just to hot, and the surf and undertow do not allow you to do much more than wade in the water. At dusk however, people swarm to the beach to enjoy enjoy the water and the welcome ocean breeze.

In the mornings there are many small brightly painted fishing boats that head out for the day's catch. Many of the fishermen live in slum dwellings located at the far ends of the beach. No one knows how many, but many fishing families lost their lives in the Tsunami that swept over the beaches in 2004.

The Christian community is not large here, but this open church at Elliot beach was all lit up for Mary's birthday, which is a week long major celebration. They had a public address system large enough for a big rock concert blaring out a very interesting mix of traditional hymns and Indian popular/tradition music.

Another site you see often during the day is men and boys stalking the beach looking for sand crabs. When they spot something they pounce on the spot with their heel and start digging frantically.

This boy and his father are heading off with their bag full.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Char's school

The American International School where Char is teaching is a very impressive new campus that covers grades K-12. The school is growing every year, with a large percentage of Korean students, but there is a real mix from many different countries here. Char has children from Korea, France, Sri Lanka, Finland, Japan, UK, Australia and America.

Char gets to and from school in Murugan's auto rickshaw everyday. We hire him on a monthly basis for 4000 Rs. ($90). A bit steep by local standards, but worth it to have a dependable driver.

The school is built around several open courtyards. This one is just outside Char's classroom.
Char hard at work in her classroom.

Classes are limited to 15-16 students and because there are so many students who are non-native English speakers, each 1st grade teacher has a full time aid.

The school also has a full sized swimming pool, that the staff & spouses get to use.

One of the interesting features of the school is that is was designed to be very self sufficient and the with the environment in mind. This holding pond is where much of the rain water is captured and recycled for irrigation and toilets. The building was also designed to capture the ocean breezes which is greatly appreciated in this hot environment.

Here's a mural on the wall in the elementary playground area.

Even though Char is having to re-learn how to teach 1st grade again, she is getting her feet back on the ground, and many of the changes she was looking for in terms of curriculum, resources, philosophy, support & class size are happening, a much needed change for her.