Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Views from our balcony

There is always something interesting happening in the streets of Chennai. It is where women create their pavement art (Kolam), or men gather to drink coffee from the bicycle vendor. Religious, political and charity organizations have frequent rallies which often block traffic on major roads.

Many people make their living on the street. Rag pickers go through the garbage bins daily. Street sweepers have the impossible task of picking up litter and keeping the drains clear. Mobile vendors on foot, bicycle or push carts sell everything from apples to Umbrellas. Still others will stake out a bit of sidewalk where they won't be kicked out to set up shop for ironing, tailoring, or selling anything imaginable.

The street where we live is no exception. The photos in this post were taken from our first floor balcony (In India they use ground level, then first floor). The photo above is of women across the street creating an elaborate Kolam for Pongal, which is a major harvest festival in Tamil Nadu.

One morning we were greeted with the very loud sounds of a small marching band, playing a strangely syncopated, improvised music.

They were followed by a group of men from the local temple who were hauling a large cart on which a much adorned figure of a god sat under a huge umbrella. Residents then gathered around with some sort of offering, which was given to or draped on the deity.

That evening, about 10:00, they came down the street again. This time with a different god sitting on a huge, many headed cobra, and a generator to light him up.

This continued day and night for 10 days....................... We gave up trying to go to bed before 10 o'clock.

Eventually we learned that each temple worships different gods, and will hold a major extended festival in their honor, with many performances and other activities occurring at the Temple.