Monday, June 7, 2010

Farewell for a while...

Ok... here's the blog. so many of you have asked if we were going to "blog it" so.... we will

As many of you know, Dave and I are heading to Chennai, India for the next two years.
Char will be teaching at an American International School, and Dave will be playing music and exploring Indian culture.

We are leaving the "States" July 25th. After a 30 hours plane trip that will take us through Seattle, New York, and Brussels, Belgium, we will arrive in Chennai.

The time difference is 12 1/2 hours ahead of PDT. so when it is Sunday night here in the Pacific Northwest, It will be Monday morning in Chennai.
We would love to skype or google video, but let's keep in mind the time difference!

We will be having a going away party. We will keep you posted about the time and date!

We are excited to go on our big adventure!

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