Sunday, August 8, 2010

Birthday @ Ideal Beach

On our first Saturday the school arrainged an outing for us at a favorite place for the staff to get away from it all.

It also happened to be a great way for me to spend my birthday.

Statue on the grounds.

Ideal beach is a 5 star resort about 50-60 kilimeters south of Chennai. What a contrast to the city! From the crowded, noisy, dirty, smelly city to a tropical paradise where you can swim in the ocean and lounge under palm thatched shelters, or hang out by the pool and eat and drink your fill, including alcohol (India does have prohabition, but liquor is widely available on the black market and night clubs).

Fisherman on the beach.

You can get a day pass here for about 1500 rupees ($30) or $90 for a very nice room.

Until next time.

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