Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Local temples

No description of our surroundings would be complete without mentioning the numerous Hindu temples that are everywhere. Some of them are just small roadside stands that only a couple of people can fit into, others like the one shown here in a nearby neighborhood are very large elaborate affairs. (Note that you can click on pictures to enlarge)

You can see some of the detail work in these pictures. Ganesh (the god in elephant form) seems to be very popular around here.

This small shrine was set up on the grounds at Ideal beach.

We have yet to go inside any of the temples, though I understand we are welcome to most areas as long as we remove our shoes and it is strictly forbidden to enter if a women is menstruating. As open and receptive as the Hindu religion is they seem to have a problem with this.
From the medium sized temple just down the block, we often hear chanting, which seems to go on for hours and is not at all melodic, more like a very repetitous drone. There often seem to be social functions and stages set up on the streets in front of the temples for special occasions, like India independance day which was last Sunday.
I'm sure I will be posting more temple pictures in future blogs.

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