Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mamallapuram continued

We spent our second night in town at a small restaurant/hotel called the Blue Elephant. It is located on a street lined with shops and restaurants, most of these open to the street, a bit of French influence. This picture was taken from our hotel which was also open to the elements. I thought this would be the funkier of our accommodations, but it turned out to be very clean and the food was good.

One of the sights to see in town is the Five Rathas, most of which have been carved out of one large rock outcropping.

I took this photo opportunity to show what looks to me like the typical South Indian Family on vacation.

A closer look at the amazing bias relief carving of all sorts of men, gods and beasts representing creation. Most of the ancient carvings and cave temples in this area date to around 600-700 A.D.

At the highest point of the granite hills is a stone building that was used as a signal tower. Fires were lit here and could be seen for many miles around from land and sea. It has been replaced in modern times by an electric lighthouse.

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