Sunday, November 7, 2010

Chennai Traffic going to Pondy Bazaar

I have previously mentiond that the traffic is one of the first things you can't help but notice in Chennai. I found this video on youtube that is pretty typical of an auto rickshaw trip in moderate traffic, much like Char's commute to school every day. Of course, video is nothing like being in it with horns blaring all around you and the occasional cow or 2 wheeler (motorcyle) coming at you the wrong way. Bear in mind also if there are lines on the road, they are totally ignored with people darting into the tiniest openings. Note the women often ride sidesaddle and miraculously manage to stay on their perch most of the time. It's amazing what we see on the small motorcyles. There are often 4 or even 5 family members on one bike, with the next to youngest on the tank, holding onto the mirrors and the baby squished between her mother and sister, sound asleep.  We also see motorcyle drivers or passengers carrying all sort of objects from TV's to ladders.  When it rains, the passenger is often holding and umbrella over their heads.  A lot of chickens also get delivered, dead or alive, to market hanging and stacked on all sides of a 2 wheeler.
The amazing thing is that it all works somehow, flowing along most of the time about 20-25 MPH, faster on the better arterials. The #1 rule I have learned is, don't look back, grab every inch of space you can and just keep moving.
By the way Char and I both wear helmets!

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