Thursday, February 10, 2011

Life around the Temple

There is always a lot of activity that goes on around the temples. Besides the usual traffic and vendors, you will always find women stringing jasmine and other flowers into braids that are worn by the women in their hair, or used for offerings to the gods. Other vendors offer incense, coconuts and many other things that are used in various rituals.

Coming from a much colder climate, I am always surprised when I see someone with earmuffs or a knit scarf on their head in the "cold" season, when it might get down to about 70F.

This women was selling lemons and bundles of turmeric which is used for rituals this time of year. To many people here, their religion is a way of life, that is incorporated into their daily life. It seems that almost every day of the Hindu calender is full with some festival or other. There are also auspicious days when a person should or should not make important decisions.

The area around the Kapaleeswarar temple still has some traditional homes around, though sadly, many like this one are being torn down to make way for multi-story apartments. These older homes have wonderful courtyards that the living space is designed around, so you always have a lot of air and light. The courtyard is always recessed to catch the rain from the roofs.

Many houses have their own space reserved for a shrine for daily worship.

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