Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Swayambhu is one of the oldest Buddhist stupas in Kathmandu. It is part of a large complex that covers the top of a hill overlooking the city. These visitors were sending off their prayers.

The gold topped Stupa is surrounded by smaller temples, many with intricate stone carvings.

Stray dogs seem to be everywhere in Asia. Typically they are not at all aggressive and just want a garbage pile to rummage through, and a comfy bed where they can escape the heat of the day.

Swayambu is also called the Monkey Temple, because of the large population of Monkeys that inhabit the grounds.

This temple that is under renovation shows the typical bamboo scaffolding used at construction sites, though they often look much more precarious than this set up.

A woman spinning the prayer wheels as she walks around the Stupa in a clockwise direction.

We were able to drive up close to the top of the hill, but many worshipers climb the steep steps, (365 I'm told).

If the smog is not to bad, there is a great view of the Kathmandu valley.

Many prayer flags strung from the trees flutter in the wind.

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