Friday, January 20, 2012

High in the Nilgiri Hills

As we continued our climb, we had more photo ops of the landscape which our group took full advantage of.

The Nilgiri Hills were originally inhabited by the Toda tribe, of which there are still a few existing villages, though I understand their numbers are diminishing. They have their own religion and have unique thatched temples.
When we reached the summit we had a fantastic view looking out over the valleys below.  Hanuman (the hindu god in the likeness of a monkey) apparently also likes this view as he gazes out over the landscape from what the locals call monkey rock.
We had a couple of very friendly local dogs accompany us on our hike. This one also appreciated the view, who without any hesitation sought out the most precarious overlook to settle down on.
Passing through the village on our way back to Ooty we passed this boy who was having a lot of fun skating down the steep streets on his homemade cart made of sticks and ball bearings for wheels.

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