Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ranakpur Jain Temple

The Jain Temple at Ranakpur was one of the most outstanding sites we visited on our trip through Rajasthan.  It was constructed from 1439-1458AD and built from white marble.  The workmanship in the structure and the carved details that surround you are truly amazing.  From the overall light and airy design of the building, to the most intricate details, this place gives you a feel for the passion and care that went into the building of it.   

After removing your shoes and storing any leather items you have on you, you pass through the main entry, which gives you a glimpse of what is in store for the visitor inside.

The roof is supported by over 1400 pillars, all of which are carved with architectural details and figures.  It is worth noting that no two pillars are alike. Even the ceilings and domes are covered with incredible detailed carvings. 

Scattered around the temple are sculptures of animals and shrines.
Just outside of the main complex is a small, rather neglected looking shrine.  Could it be this was set aside for the dogs?  This pup seems to think so. Actually that would fit right into the Jain religion, as they believe in doing no harm to any living creature.

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