Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ganesha's birthday

In Southern India, religion for most is a way of life. Around this time of year for the next several months are numerous Hindu holidays that are celebrated. Last week was for Ganesha (the god of success in elephant form). You know it's coming up because you see craftsmen setting up shop literally on the streets with a mound of clay that they mold and shape into hundreds of statues of Ganesha, and the women stringing jasmine and other flowers are unusually busy.

Those who have chosen to worship Ganesha are likely to buy one of these small statues to invite him into their lives and receive the positive things that may come of his visit. He is then taken to the beach covered with garlands of flowers, maybe a parasol or perhaps a wooden raft and a small shrine is set up for him.

This is a big cash day for young boys who are hired to take Ganesha out into the ocean where he is set off on his voyage back home.

People flock to the beach for this event which is a bit carnival like, complete with pony rides, and a hand cranked Ferris wheel. Even the women will enjoy getting tossed in the surf still wearing their Saris.

In the evening bands set up on brightly lit street stages at many of the temples where they play into the night, and floats made of flowers are paraded through the streets.

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