Monday, September 20, 2010

A trip to the zoo

Located just outside Chennai is the Anna Zoo, which is billed as one of the best in South Asia. It lives up to that reputation, with natural enclosures and a large display of regional wildlife. The zoo covers over 1200 acres in the hills and is well kept up by Indian standards. A very pleasant place to spend the day, though it would take 2 days to see it all and go on the Lion Safari bus.

We have yet to see working or wild elephants, but they are used, and there are some reserves that would require an overnight trip where you can observe them in the wild.

I have always had in my mind an image of Tarzan's Cheeta of what a chimp looked like, but these guys were the size of a full grown man.

The termite mounds which are abundant around here remind me of the sandcastles they build on the beach every year at Seaside, Oregon.
These women were fascinated with Char and wanted to have their picture taken with the white woman. Judging by their dress, I believe they are not from Chennai. Char and I got a good laugh about these people saying to themselves, "look what we saw at the zoo"! This White Tiger was one of the most impressive animals, as large as a full sized Lion.

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