Thursday, September 30, 2010

St. Thomas Mount

A couple miles from our apartment is St. Thomas mount where it is believed "doubting Thomas" was killed in AD72. This 300ft. hill is the highest point of ground in the area, with a series of steep steps leading to the summit. The views of Chennai are pretty impressive.

The small church at the summit was built by the Portuguese in the early 1500's.

The history before that is a bit sketchy but there is supposed to have been a previous church at this location that was demolished by other religious groups.

When the Portuguese builders were constructing their church, they uncovered a carved stone, said to be carved by St. Thomas himself. The stone is known as the bleeding stone, because it is reputed to have wept blood on numerous occasions.

Beside the stone is a painting of Mary that I was told was painted by St. Luke for St. Thomas.

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