Sunday, February 5, 2012

Life on the canals

The people who live along the canals literally have the water right at their doorstep.  This is where the women scrub their clothes, and then slap them on a flat rock.  It is also where the pots and pans are washed.  The family too, bathes in the canal. 

The canals are often surrounded with miles of rice fields. This woman is drying rice or some other grain in front of her house.

Wild ducks were abundant in large flocks. We also noticed some people had fenced off small areas in front of their homes where they kept captive ducks.

Tourism is big business in Alleppey as witnessed by the hundreds of houseboats docked along the canal. More than once we passed boat building drydocks where they were building more. Fortunately there are so many miles of canals and lakes that we did not run into any houseboat traffic jams.

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