Monday, February 6, 2012

On to Rajasthan

Train travel in India is an experience in itself.  We travelled mostly in sleeper cars where you typically share a curtained compartment with 8 other people.  Of course, that is if people who are on the waiting list don't get on the train.  In which case you may end up in close quarters with an extra family until it is time to fold the sleeping bunks down, at which time the unreserved family is left to their own devices.  The trains are reasonably clean, and if you are on a budget and have the time, it's a great way to see India.

The next morning found us in Rajasthan in Northwestern India.  For many westerners, this is the India they have heard of, the land of kings, where Maharajahs built massive forts, kept a large harem, and travelled by camel and elephant. 
 We found a very nice hotel in Udaipur with a fantastic rooftop restaurant view overlooking the city and the lake it is built around.  I took advantage of the view to snap the photos below:

Udaipur turned out to be one of the highlights of our trip, being located further away from Delhi and Agra where the Taj Mahal is located, it is more laid back than the hustle and bustle of the more easily accessible tourist areas.  The nearby forts and temples are truly impressive, but I'll save those posts for another day. 

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